1: 2017/08/24(木) 23:07:39.83 Babymetal, Foo Fighters and Rick Astley make Summer Sonic a fun weekend Keyakizaka46 took to the Rainbow Stage. It’s one of AKB48’s officially sanctioned rivals, and has managed a fair amount of mainstream attention thanks to lyrics with a darker bent on teenage life ? though the words are still penned by Yasushi Akimoto, a 59-year-old man, so don’t get too excited about progressive pop. It was packed for opening number “Silent Majority,” but soon thinned out as people got a glimpse of the idol outfit and decided that was enough. 欅坂46はレインボーステージに登...COMMENT
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平尾帆夏 レヴォリューション - 櫻坂46まとめちゃんねる
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